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Real Life Pokemon Gym

A new Pokemon Gym was recently opened in Osaka, Japan! I know what you´re thinking, "cool but it sucks cause I don´t live in Japan." Neither do I but that didn´t stop me from being excited about it and I´ll tell you why.

It may not just be a coincidence that a Pokemon venture like this opens up just a few months before the Pokemon GO release date. I believe this could be another step that brings Pokemon from the virtual world to the real world. These "gyms" can be used as retail stores for the Pokemon GO products simillair to an Apple store. Here you could be able to repair or replace anything with your Pokemon GO watch.

Photo courtesy of Lousie Saul

Photo courtesy of Louise Saul

Also, it could be exactly what is is, a gym. The developers could have these gyms around as a place where users can gain extra experience if they train their Pokemon here. This could also be a place for Pokemon trainers to socilaize and even trade their pokemon. Regardless, it´s another sign that Nintendo is sticking with the Pokemon franchise and has high hopes for it in the future. Developments like these are what keep the Pokemon community and I excited about the game. What do you guys these think? Is this just another Japanese-only Pokemon establishment, or a strategic move by Nintendo?

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