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Update on funding for Pokemon GO

We´ve all heard rumors and announcements about the new Pokemon GO and I think we can all agree that it is going to be one massive project. Between augmented reality and map positioning, this is going to require a lot of effort and more importantly funding.

That is why I was excited when I found out about Nintendo partnering with different companies such as Google and Niantic. Followers of the Pokemon GO project, and myself, were concerned that this would only be a Pokemon lover's dream and nothing more.

Nintendo is showing its customers that it is taking a serious approach to Pokemon GO. In addition, they are partnering with big name companies. This shows that they are expecting a big scale product and not just some half developed idea by developers at Nintendo.

Even though financials may not be as exciting to us Pokemon trainers, we have to keep track of them to make sure things are going well in the Pokemon World!

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