Tricks & Tips

1. Safety Tip #1 – Crossing the Road

Your PokemonGO bracelet sounds, indicating the Pokemon is across the road from you.
What you would usually do:
You jump in joy, and run across the road to catch the Pokemon
Vehicles screech to a halt, some of them crashing into one another
If you’re lucky, you cross without a scratch, but the shock of the accident makes you temporarily forget about the Pokemon and it gets away
If you’re not lucky, you get hit by a vehicle and sent to the hospital – the Pokemon gets away
What you should do:
Calmly ascertain the approximate location of the Pokemon across the road
Do not run straight to the Pokemon
Find a nearby pedestrian crossing, wait for the green man to light up before crossing
If there is no nearby crossing, look left and right/right then left to check for oncoming traffic
If there is no oncoming traffic, cross the road calmly – DO NOT rush, this might result in tripping and falling, hurting yourself and potentially causing a road accident
Catch the Pokemon