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Tricks & Tips

4. Safety Tip #3 – Getting into Fights (Part 2)

Continuing the safety briefing on getting into a Pokemon battle are two more tips/rules to ensure you keep breathing and stay healthy throughout your journey.

3. Pick a safe location

Many Pokemon trainer casualties also occur due to the environment the battles occur in.


With reference to the first safety post, you ought to avoid battles on roads or while crossing the street. However, there are many other perilous situations you might find yourself in. Observing the many battles in the Pokemon anime, we know that many battles can be very destructive to the environment, and you might destroy footholds on the mountainside or cause a forest fire somewhere. These all pose great danger to your life, so whenever you want to start a battle or accept a challenge, look around you for potential hazards, and consider your options before beating up your opponent.


4. Be civil

Pokemon battles can sometimes get quite heated, and result in both Pokemon trainers wrestling on the ground while their Pokemon fight it out on the side.


If friends accompany them, the situation might even escalate into a large street fight, which would almost certainly result in mandatory trips to the hospital.

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